Big Red is our head rooster. We have three roosters right now. Red watches carefully over all the hens. He warns them of danger, and when he finds food he calls to them with a beautiful clucking call. I love to watch him. He doesn't share his hens with the other roosters, and if they try to get too close to the hens he chases them off. There have been some scuffles when the white rooster tries to
challenge him, but he has won every battle so far. If you are going to have laying hens I highly recommend one rooster, and no more for your hens. If you have a large number, say over 20 then you may want two of them. Choose your breed carefully especially if you have small children. Right now we have three roosters. The Silver Laced
Wyandotte had gone after me and my four year old, so he will be turned into chicken soup soon.

I am almost positive that Big Red is a New Hampshire Red. I didn't order him, I just bought him at the local Farm and Garden store. If something happens to him, I will
definitely consider buying another one. So far he is very friendly even with my daughter. She has spent a lot of time with him because he is her chicken. She loves to hold him, and he does very well.
Here are some great sites. Some have information about breeds, and some sell chickens too.
Well, that should keep you busy for a while! I don't think that I will blog again until after the holidays so MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!