Spring has been very busy here at TTF! I ordered 50 new laying hens from Murray McMurray hatchery to keep up with the demand for fresh pastured raised chicken eggs. I have also added more ducks and geese to the farm as well. We are up to our elbows in cute fuzzy babies!
The weather here has been very rainy, but I have to say that I don't mind it. I have a lot of seedlings out in the garden that really need it.
The apple, peach, pear and cherry trees have already flowered and I am hopeful that we will have a large supply of fresh fruit this year. I also planted 30 pounds worth of seed potatoes this year! I am growing German butterball, and our favorite All blue from Seed Savers Exchange! I also ordered seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom seeds, my favorite! We are going to grow LOTS of Hazelfield tomatoes this year, they did very well here last year. I am also looking forward to growing peanuts again, and this year hopefully getting to eat them! The chickens found out where I set them outside to dry and ate every last one of them! I think I will dry them in a dehydrator this year. Are you planting this spring? What are you trying that is new?
Speaking of food...right now my favorite food is fresh asparagus with poached eggs! If you have not tried them together I can't recommend it highly enough! Get some fresh eggs from your local farmer, cook your asparagus in boiling water, scoop them out and then drop your eggs into that same water and poach them. Asparagus tastes so good dipped into egg yolk! Try eating local this spring, I promise you will enjoy it!