Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Snow Bird

The dark eyed junco arrived today! I was so excited. There were three of them foraging through the remains of my garden. I spread some seeds on the ground near the area
that I saw them, hoping this will encourage them to stay in the area for at
least a few more days! Here is some more information from

This lively territorial bird is a ground dweller and feeds on seeds and small fruits in the open. It also moves through the lower branches of trees and seeks shelter in the tangle of shrubs. Until recently the many geographical forms of this bird were considered separate species, but since they interbreed wherever their ranges meet, they are now considered one species.
description 5-6 1/4" (13-16 cm). This species shows much geographic variation in color. Typically, male of western population ("Oregon Junco") has black hood, chestnut mantle, white underparts with buff sides. Eastern male ("Slate-colored Junco") is dark slate-gray on head, upper breast, flanks, and upperparts, with white lower breast and belly. Both forms have pink bill and dark gray tail with white outer tail feathers conspicuous in flight. The pine forests of the Black Hills in western South Dakota and eastern Montana have an isolated population ("White-winged Junco") similar to the eastern form but with 2 white wing bars and extensive white outer tail feathers. Birds of the Southwest ("Gray-headed Juncos") are gray overall, with a reddish-brown back. Female "Oregon Junco" has gray hood; females of all forms less colorful.

Friday, November 16, 2007

My New Allies

I have never really liked the American Crow much, especially when I was in the city. They were loud, persistent and messy! My opinion of them has now been changed forever! Yesterday a large Red-shouldered Hawk decided that my chickens looked like a nice tasty lunch. All of the chickens were hiding in the coop, all expect my red hen Chili. I thought for sure she was gone. I went out and got a good look at this huge and beautiful hawk, but I was feeling sad about the loss of my little red hen. Then I noticed the crows. They were swooping and yelling "Leave our territory!" It was then that I realized how important they are to me. Their persistence and complete lack of fear chased the hawk away, and I am happy to report that Chili is fine, she was spotted about an hour later in the yard. Now every time I hear the crows I stop and survey the sky and trees for a large feathered predator. I love the predators, and now I love the crows too.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Fall Birdwatching at the Farm

The Carolina Wren (right) is just one of the many birds that are visiting the farm here in the fall. We were so excited last week to have a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers return last week. They were flying through the orchard early in the afternoon. They are truly magnificent birds. If you are looking for a great book about a similar but much rarer Woodpecker to read then I highly recommend The Grail Bird by Tim Gallagher. (the story of the Ivory Billed Woodpecker) You can learn more about this book here:

We also have Caroline Chickadees (below), Tufted Titmice, House Finches, Mockingbirds, Blue Jays, Starlings, Marsh Wrens, Peregrine Falcons, Cardinals, Goldfinches, Red Winged Blackbirds, Ruby Throated Hummingbirds, Downy Woodpeckers, Hairy Woodpeckers, and one of my very favorite the White Breasted Nuthatch.

You can count birds each day and then submit your results to Ebird!

This is a great project for homeschoolers, or bird lovers. To take care of your feathered friends during the winter you will want to offer them food, and water, especially when your land is all frozen and water is hard to come by.

When winter has left trees barren and daylight hours are few, birds still fill our suburban landscapes. We marvel at the resourcefulness of wild birds as they search out food and warmth through the long winter months.
We can help to provide these birds with food, cover, roosting areas, and nesting spots by planting native seed and berry-producing trees, shrubs, and vines. Should we also set out feeders? Experts disagree as to whether backyard bird feeding makes a significant difference for whole bird populations, but for the individual birds in your own backyard, feeding certainly can help. Winter feeding also gives you a chance to observe wild birds at close range.
When to feed—Feed more often at times of peak energy demand, such as during temperature extremes, nesting season, migration, and in late winter or early spring, when natural seed sources are depleted.
Where to feed—Birds are most likely to eat where they feel safe. Make sure that there is nearby cover to which birds can quickly escape from predators, such as free-roaming cats. Place ground-level feeders in spots where predators cannot hide easily, and set up a loose mesh fence around the feeder.
If the feeders are near a window, alter the appearance of the glass to help reduce window collisions. Try covering windows with a fine plastic garden netting, placing hawk silhouettes about four inches apart on the outside of the window, or painting a scene on the window's exterior with soap. Many birds will feed at more than one level, but they do have their preferences.
Ground level: mourning doves, sparrows, towhees, juncos
Table level: cardinals, finches, and jays Hanging feeders: titmice, goldfinches, chickadees
Tree trunks: woodpeckers, nuthatches, wrens
Selecting a feeder—Plastic, steel, or glass feeders are best because they are easy to clean. Feeders with porous surfaces, such as wood or clay, can be difficult to clean and may grow dangerous algae and fungi. Smaller feeders empty out more quickly, so there's less chance of wet, spoiled seeds. Rain can be a problem, so make sure the feeder has drainage holes, and consider placing a plastic dome on top.
Proper maintenance—Regular upkeep is necessary to keep your feeder free from contamination by disease-causing bacteria.
Set up more than one feeder and allow ample space between feeders.
Choose feeders that have no sharp edges or points. To help keep food cleaner, use feeders that allow birds to perch away from the food.
Clean feeders often. Immerse them in a 5–10 percent solution of chlorine bleach and warm water for two or three minutes. Scrub with a stiff brush or a scouring pad, rinse thoroughly with clean water, and dry completely before refilling. Clean feeders designed for ground-feeding birds every two days.
Rake up spilled seeds, hulls, and feces at least once a week.
Keep seed dry, free of mold, and safe from squirrels by storing it in a metal can with a tight-fitting lid, such as a clean garbage can. Discard damp seed.
In wet weather, put out only enough seed to last several hours.
If you notice dead birds or obviously sick birds (they're less active and less alert) near your feeding station, stop feeding immediately. Discard all seed; then clean and disinfect all feeders and the ground below them. Wait a week before resuming feeding.
Water—Birds need water year-round for drinking and bathing. Set up at least one birdbath. The surface should be easy to clean, and there should be a gently sloping shallow end. Place the birdbath away from the feeders to keep the water from being contaminated. Rinse the birdbath daily before refilling it, and clean it once a week, using a 5–10 percent solution of chlorine bleach. You can use a birdbath heater that has a built-in thermostat to warm up the water just enough to keep it from freezing. Never add antifreeze or other chemicals to the water.
In your absence—Keep your feeding schedule consistent, but don't worry if you must stop feeding briefly—while traveling, for example. Wild birds will find other food in your absence, especially in suburban areas, where other bird feeders are just a short flight away. If you live in a rural or isolated area, however, try to arrange to have a neighbor maintain the feeders in your absence, just as you would have someone look after your pets or houseplants.
Providing food for wild birds will help the winter pass more comfortably for them, while adding interest and activity to your winter days. Come spring, as the nesting season unfolds, you'll have the added pleasure of recognizing many of the birds as individuals.
Excerpted and adapted from The HSUS's brochure, Backyard Feeding of Wild Birds.