I have never really liked the American Crow much, especially when I was in the city. They were loud, persistent and messy! My opinion of them has now been changed forever! Yesterday a large Red-shouldered Hawk decided that my chickens looked like a nice tasty lunch. All of the chickens were hiding in the coop, all expect my red hen Chili. I thought for sure she was gone. I went out and got a good look at this huge and beautiful hawk, but I was feeling sad about the loss of my little red hen. Then I noticed the crows. They were swooping and yelling "Leave our territory!" It was then that I realized how important they are to me. Their persistence and complete lack of fear chased the hawk away, and I am happy to report that Chili is fine, she was spotted about an hour later in the yard. Now every time I hear the crows I stop and survey the sky and trees for a large feathered predator. I love the predators, and now I love the crows too.

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