Monday, March 24, 2008

Planting Time

Over the weekend I planted out 75 strawberry plants. 5o of them are June bearing, and 25 are everlasting. I planted them carefully and then covered them with a thick blanket of straw because I knew that it would dip into the 30s for the next few nights. I also planted cabbage, peas, beans, radish, rutabega and lettuce in a seperate bed. I covered the beans with straw to protect them from the cold as well. I purchased some Johnny Jump ups and planted them and I also acquired a rosemary and lavendar plant. I still haven't decided how I will design my herb garden yet.

Planting was back breaking work but I felt quite satisfied when I was finished. I am still trying to decide where to till up a new garden, the site that I had wanted to plant is filled with gravel (quite suitable for lavendar) so now I must come up with a new plan. I also need to find a way to fence in the garden to keep the chickens out! They have already been scratching the straw off my strawberry beds and I don't want them to eat all of the seedlings. When the plants are strong and mature I will allow them in the garden on a limited basis to help with bug control.

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