We are planning to make some renovations to the coop. The hen that you see in the picture is sitting on the loft, and I want to change the area underneath the loft into a nursery area for baby chicks, or for a hen and chicks in case any of my hens go broody. I am also going to build nest boxes and we will need another roost too. I can't wait to order more chicks! I am reading a great book right now by one of my favorite authors Carol Ekarius called Storeys Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds. There are lots of great photos and information on chickens. We have decided that we are going to order more laying hens, more broilers to eat and maybe even a few chickens that are rare. Here are some web sites about chicken coops!

You have a nice blog. What a great picture of the hawk.
Love the pictures of your chickens also.
Here is another great resource for chicken coop plans
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