We ordered our chicks from Ideal Poultry this year. The customer service over the phone has been excellent so far, and the chicks arrived healthy two days after shipping. We ordered 25 chicks, and we have lost one, and I haven't figured out why she died. I spend a lot of time fussing over them, making sure their water is clean and that they have plenty of food and I also talk to them a lot. Right now we have 8 chickens in the coop, and I love when they follow me around outside looking for treats. They make musical chirps, it is a beautiful sound! I keep them in a refigerator box with pine shavings, a 250 watt light bulb and the box is also next to a baseboard heater which is set on low. There is plenty of room for them to run around, but I would not place more than 25-30 in a box this size. I always make sure to spray our shoes with Lysol when we come in and I always wash my hands when I come in from caring for my chickens outside.
Here is some more information on raising baby chicks!
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