The cool weather is finally setting in, and there are changes all around. The trees are bursting into beautiful colors, one last chorus before they all fall to the earth. This morning I went outside and stood in the garden and just listened to the sounds of the chipping sparrows, song sparrows, house sparrows, blue jays, nuthatches and many other birds. I could smell wood burning, I assume that is someone's attempt to ward off the chilly air. Soon there will be a frost so it is time to think about covering the roses and cutting the herbs one last time before putting them to bed for the winter. We have acquired two goats, and they have so graciously mowed down my garden of all weeds so I can think about planting some cool weather crops now. The harvest this year was good despite the lack of rain. Peppers were abundant, as were the McIntosh apples. There were so many apples that the branches had to bend almost to the ground under the weight of them! The tomatoes did well, and we had some lettuce as well. The potatoes did not produce as much as we had hoped because the potato beetle got them again, but we did enjoy eating them. This year we ordered all blue and red gold. The red gold are creamy and so yummy, and the blue are great for making fries, chips and mashed potatoes. The flowers and herbs did well, and I was so pleased.
Each day as I walk out and just take in the sights around me, like the six black fuzzy baby ducks that hatched, or the chickens who come up to me and talk to me, the sun coming over the mountian, or the moon lighting up the night I am just in awe and wonder of all the blessings that farm life has been. I can't imagine any other life now. There are times when I miss home and some of the things that city life has to offer, and I will always miss the ocean but this is where I belong. Here in the midst of roosters crowing, hens laying, birds singing, and food growing. Here I will live and grow and discover and learn and pass it all on to my children. This is the good life.